Benefits of Joining ALCA

Join ALCA now: Be sure to select the New York Chapter when completing the online form.
When you join the Aging Life Care Association® you will find a diversity of disciplines, an entrepreneurial spirit, best business practices, peer-to-peer consultation, a strong Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, networking, advocacy, and opportunities to learn from leading thinkers. The benefits include:
Professional Development: ALCA keeps you abreast of the latest methodology, research, legislation, information and practice techniques in geriatric /aging life care management, helping you better serve your clients.
Legislation: ALCA’s legislative efforts keep you informed of the changing national, state and local issues affecting you and your clients.
Marketing and Public Relations: Through ALCA’s branding and public relations efforts, you will learn about strategies to enhance your practice and promote the services you offer. National public relations activities seek to educate the public and media about the field of geriatric/aging life care management.
Membership Directory: This national listing of members is published on an annual basis and features individual professional profiles. It is distributed to members of the aging network and may be purchased by consumers – it is also the perfect networking tool for ALCA members!
National Conference: ALCA’s annual meeting, usually held in the fall, features nationally recognized speakers, informative workshops, exhibits, and networking opportunities.
ALCA publications: Inside ALCA and the ALCA Journal – both published on a quarterly basis –provide valuable articles, updates, book reviews, ideas, and opportunities in geriatric/aging life care management. In addition, various brochures and products are available by contacting the ALCA office.
Aging Life Care Consumer Directory: A national directory of more than 1,000 Aging Life Care Managers, listed by state for easy reference.
Full membership in ALCA is open to individuals only. The individuals may be members of a corporation, group, organization or partnership that is for-profit or not-for-profit in nature. There is a 20% discount if three or more members from the same corporate entity submit their applications and/or renewals at the same time.