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◂  June 2023

NEW DATE: Silent Voices and Invisible Walls: Exploring Palliative Care With LGBTQ+ People


Virtual event via the Zoom platform


Leah Lundrigan

Please save the date for June’s CEU program. This program will offer 1.5 CEUs.

Speaker: Yvette Colón, PhD, MSW

The palliative care needs and desires of LGBTQ+ people are not fundamentally different from any other individuals. There are, however, significant legal restrictions and societal attitudes that can negatively affect the palliative care  experiences of lesbians and gay men. As service providers and advocates we can play a prominent role in advocating for these individuals to allow for dignity and support in spite of these barriers. However, we must fully appreciate these obstacles and be knowledgeable of the resources available to best overcome them.

This presentation will review the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ people. Special attention will be placed on understanding issues of disclosure, discrimination and misconceptions of this patient population. Interventions to help in assisting LGBTQ+ people with healthcare decision-making and palliative care planning will be outlined.


  1. Describe the pervasive and institutional nature of oppression and its impact on sexually marginalized persons and families.
  2. Assess and analyze your own attitudes and practices in relation to LGBTQ+ individuals and families in professional activities and settings.
  3. Articulate models of affirmative practice with LGBTQ+  individuals across a range of practice settings.

Co-sponsored by The Bristal Assisted Living Group and The New York University Silver School of Social Work

Silent Voices and Invisible Walls event flyer

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